Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year Revamp

This year I decided to forget the idea of New Year's Resolutions, and try something a little different.  I like to think of it as a New Year Revamp.  I started a little last year, and some will begin this week..

For my Revamp, I would like to make lifestyle changes rather than goals that I know I won't be able to achieve.  I mean how many times has "Lose weight" been put on the list and immediately forgotten?  January has always felt like a month of taking away, immediately after all the giving (and eating) from December.  My New Year's Resolution lists have always been filled with what I need to stop doing, and things I don't want to do.  Why not do more of what I know I can do!  Maybe if I start adding more good, the bad habits will start to get pushed out, right?  Theoretically....


More Yoga | I started going to hot yoga once a week with a good friend.  My goal is to start working in a second time per week.  I love it, feel really good afterwards, and despite being drenched in sweat I feel really really clean.  I can already tell that I'm getting better at it, and I think twice a week would really start to work some muscle groups and help me get a bit stronger.  And possibly more relaxed!


More Vegetables | I watched a few documentaries: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Hungry for Change.  I was really inspired.  The whole message behind it was that our idea of food is completely backwards.  The largest section of the food pyramid has always been grains and breads.  The unfortunate part of this is that breads turn into sugar, and most of it becomes too much energy for the body to expend.  Same with most prepackaged, processed foods.  There is so much hidden sugar and altered chemicals in most food...  Just need to get back to the basics and eat what my body was made to digest: veggies, fruits, nuts, and meat only on a weekly basis.


More Iron | Hehe.. Not ironing.. and not iron man.  I mean eating more iron!  Earlier this year I found out I've been quite a bit anemic, and it's totally my fault.  When the Dr. asked where I usually get my iron, I gave her a pretty blank stare.  Eggs- maybe scrambled on the weekends?  Meat- when was the last time I ate some other than a cheeseburger?  Beans- didn't I have some at Thanksgiving?  Oysters- does the all-you-can-eat crab legs on Wednesdays count?  Liver- I think I tried it a few years ago?
This year I really want to focus on what I'm eating, and make a conscious effort to make my choices based more on what I need.  I love foods with iron, I just tend to forget about them!


More Juice | I know some people view juicing as a fad, but I wouldn't mind working more juice into my routine, and even trying a 10 day juice fast.  I stopped drinking most store bought juices a long while ago, and never replaced them with a better alternative.  I knew they all had fake sugars and tons of stuff I couldn't pronounce, but I hadn't really thought about making my own!
There are tons of great resources out there for juice recipes to keep things jazzed up!  Here's a great example of 30 days of juices.


More Grocery and Farmers Market | When was the last time I even went to the grocery store?  Maybe I went once in December.  Maybe.  I guess that's why I never have any fruits and veggies around.  I'm always grazing on the stuff we have in the cabinet.  Lunch at work always seems to be a chore.  I don't really even know what I eat.  If I start going to the store right next to yoga, there's two opportunities each week!  Once the farmers market really gets into full swing, I would like to try and start buying produce from them.  Something good about knowing exactly where your greenery was grown and that it was harvested fresh rather than forced into ripeness.

More Gardening | We had a garden when I was growing up, and I never appreciated it.  It was always so much work, so buggy, and I would have rather been playing video games.  Now I realize the awesomeness of growing my own salsa, and eventually I would like to start growing a good bit of my juice ingredients!  It would be even cooler if I could get some sort of fruit tree out front rather than those crepe myrtles!

More Laughing | There's nothing better than waking up the morning after friends have been over, feeling the stiffness in your abs and thinking "I haven't laughed that hard in a long time."  We all need to have more nights like that.  Especially with the hubby being out of town for a bit, I'm going to need a little extra to help keep me sane until he returns.

So, here goes 2013!
[By the way, all images were found on Google images.. I forgot to give them a credit! whoops!]

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